If your Soul could write you a Letter, what would it say?


If your inner voice whispered a message, would you hear it?




This quiet voice — your permanent companion — is your innate wisdom, already there, deep within you.


When the mind is busy with chatter and is disconnected from the deeper knowing that’s within us, the soul has less of a presence in our lives and, therefore, has less of an impact.




The more connected the mind is to intuition, the more impact that has on our lives.


The degree to which the logical mind is connected to this inner knowing, is the degree to which we are able to tap into all of our resources.


Being resourceful and supported, makes us feel grounded and peaceful in the face of adversity.




Establishing this connection between the mind and the intuition is our own private work.

It starts with slowing down, checking in with ourselves, and using all of our senses…


What is it we feel in the moment?

What are we observing?

What is it that we are experiencing?


If that inner knowing could speak, what would it share?

If your Soul could write you a Letter, what would it say?




Scriptorium is a place to hold Letters from the Soul.

Each one written here is addressed to the one it was written for and is signed by Anima.


Anima is the Latin word for the Breath of Life, THE SOUL.


One of these letters is written to you. Which one?

What is it that you need to hear?


Most recent letters

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